Intercultural Communications and Global Social Existence: a cross cultural analysis of communication theory


  • Leon Miller Tallinn University of Technology Akadeemia tee 3 (room SOC237) 12618 Tallinn, Estonia



Semiosphere, Architectonic Methodology, Alterity, Consummatory, Global-local dialectics, Complementarity


At the mid-point of the second decade of the 21st century humanity is on the verge of another revolutionary advancement and this leap in the progression of civilization is brought about by communication.  However, what makes the current revolutionary paradigm shift unique is the extent to which it has created: global-local dialectics, global interdependence, and communication media are contributing to creating multi-levels of global networks that are rapidly advancing civilization to the global level.


The shift to the technological age is accompanied by a convergence of global communication media. This convergence is exemplified by media, industries, and human interests (at multi-levels) becoming integrated.  This makes a cross-cultural analysis of the semiotic nature of communication and of the impact of media on global social existence essential for creating theoretical insight into the role of media in shaping the future global experience. This article argues that a comparative analysis of the role of communication in shaping culture and the advancement of civilization indicates that the ontological nature of communication reflects a semiotic/dialectic (yin-yang) type dichotomy inherent in the nature of existence that can only be resolved by creating larger spheres of beneficial interactions. 


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